Wednesday, January 25, 2012

FOMC Meeting

Today is an FOMC meeting.  Usually you get some kind of rise ahead of the meeting but when most people don't care about it and it is a nonevent, it will trade like just another trading day.  The volatility is dying out as one would expect with a rising market.  It is a fool's game to try to pick a top here, I won't do it.  I'll be waiting on the sidelines for a dip to buy.  Like everyone else. 


Anonymous said...

aint no volume, mkt testing resolve of euroland with portugal on no further PSIs more political breaking of ranks to come, unlikely just a dip and run more likely a dip a run a smash a smash a crash... standing on the sides wise

Anonymous said...

What's the magical number to short the market Dawg?

What's your target? 1345?

Anonymous said...

Sold TVIX for a loss. I want to buy it at the market top. Get long at 15 and then ride up till 22.

Anonymous said...

the fed is scared.

they are keeping rates low because the economy is NOT growing fast enough.

this puts the odds of qe3 up to 60%.

the markets will continue higher.

in comes the money..

Anonymous said...

QE3 = liquidity trap aka Japan... another trillion in excess reserves doesn't move the needle sell the headfake pavs dog this is not

Anonymous said...

3rd time is usually market realize this wont' work. after several quantitative easing in japan in 90's their market realized it was pointless and mkt did not rise on any further QE. Now BOJ has zero credibility when they intervene

Anonymous said...

this has been the best return in January since 1997.

And we have 4 days to go.

Anonymous said...

trading is a sucker's game. just wait for big corrections and buy. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Trading is a suckers game.

Unless you're Ol Dawg.