Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Bulls

This market is not going down.  This is a very stubborn market and it is testing the patience of the most die hard bears.  The volume has been so low throughout this rally that the bull fuel is not all used up.  There is no high volume spin that I like to see at market turns after a long rally.  There is not enough volatility.  I want to wait for these signs before I put down my core short position.  I will only short on strength here, this is too strong an up trend for me to short weakness.  1120 will be an ideal spot to get short before Friday.  As expected, Investor's Intelligence sentiment has gotten a bit more bullish as the market has gone up.  Bulls are up 1.7% to 46.1%, bears are down 5.4% to 21.3%.  Most fund managers expect clearing sailing ahead till year end.  I think there will be bumps along the way. 

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